Kerala PSC Science Mock Test
Kerala PSC Science Mock Test
Are you looking for a PSC Science Mock Test? Here we have given the topic wise mock test of Natural Science and Physical Science. These Science mock tests are useful for all Kerala PSC exams mainly in 10th Prelims, Degree Prelims, LDC, LGS, Secretariat Assistant, Secretariat OA, Police Constable, Fireman and Firewomen, Civil Excise, LSGA, LP, UP, KAS etc. Mock tests are given below.

Natural Science Mock Test (Biology)
- local_hospital Diseases And Pathogens
- accessibility Human Body
- park Kerala - Forests, Wildlife Sanctuaries And Forest Resources
- eco Food And Agricultural Crops In Kerala
- public Environment and Environmental Issues
- favorite Health and Welfare Activities in Kerala
Physical Science
Chemistry Mock Test
- science Atom
- terrain Ores and Minerals
- biotech Chemistry In Everyday Life
- category Elements And Their Classification