Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus PDF
Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus PDF Download: The Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) has published the detailed syllabus and exam pattern for the Civil Excise Officer exam 2024 on its official website, The exam is scheduled for 17th February 2024 across various exam centres in Kerala. Only candidates who have applied and confirmed their candidature for the Civil Excise Officer position through the Kerala PSC Onetime Profile are eligible to appear for this examination. The syllabus PDF download for the Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer exam 2024 can be accessed here.

Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus 2024
The Kerala PSC has made available the Civil Excise Officer syllabus and exam pattern in both Malayalam and English on its official portal. Eligible candidates can now download the exam syllabus in PDF format from the provided link. The deadline for application for the Civil Excise Officer position was September 20223. Candidates who completed the registration process can utilize the syllabus, available in both Malayalam and English, to prepare comprehensively for the upcoming exam.
Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus Pattern Malayalam
No. | Topics | Mark Distribution |
1. | ചരിത്രം | 5 |
2. | ഭൂമിശാസ്ത്രം | 5 |
3. | ധനതത്വശാസ്ത്രം | 5 |
4. | ഇന്ത്യൻ ഭരണഘടന | 8 |
5. | കേരളം – ഭരണവും ഭരണസംവിധാനങ്ങളും | 3 |
6. | ജീവശാസ്ത്രവും പൊതുജനാരോഗ്യവും | 4 |
7. | ഭൗതികശാസ്ത്രം | 3 |
8. | രസതന്ത്രം | 3 |
9. | കല, കായികം, സാഹിത്യം, സംസ്കാരം | 4 |
10. | ആനുകാലിക വിഷയങ്ങൾ | 10 |
13. | ലഘുഗണിതവും, മനസികശേഷിയും നിരീക്ഷണപാടവ പരിശോധനയും | 10 |
14. | General English | 10 |
15. | പ്രാദേശിക ഭാഷകൾ (മലയാളം,കന്നഡ,തമിഴ്) | 10 |
15. | Special Topics (തസ്തികകളുടെ ജോലി സ്വഭാവവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വിഷയങ്ങൾ ) | 10 |
Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus Download
Access the Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus for download, providing comprehensive exam preparation materials. Get ready for the upcoming exam with this downloadable syllabus.
DownloadWe hope this Kerala PSC Civil Excise Officer Syllabus is helpful. Have a nice day.