Kerala PSC Thulasi Login (KPSC) & Registration

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What is Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC)

Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) is a body created under the constitution of India to fill up the government and civil service posts vacancies of the Indian state, Kerala. They perform the function of recruitment to services and posts and advising the government on all matters relating to methods of Recruitment to various services and posts. At present, they consist of sixteen members including the chairman Adv. M.K.Sakeer.

They do all of these things mainly with the help of two websites. They are the Kerala PSC official website and Kerala PSC Thulasi website. In the first website, which is, they deal with examinations/interviews, notification, ranked list, shortlist, details of advice, the status of a post, how to apply, departmental exam login and the details of one-time registration. On the other hand, the Kerala PSC Thulasi website( ) handle the functions like profile login, applying for the post etc.

What is Kerala PSC Thulasi?

Kerala PSC Thulasi Login

Kerala Psc Thulasi is an Official portal of the Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC). It is there to offer aid to the candidates in the matter of checking and applying to Kerala government posts. They will help you in the matter of Notifications, Application, Admission Ticket, Announcements, Confirmation for Exams, Willingness for Appointment, File Affidavit, Profile Messages, Answer Key Complaint, Results and Feedbacks. After finishing the one-time registration, candidates can log in to their profile and can utilise the above-mentioned services provided by Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC).

Kerala PSC One Time Registration 2021

In order to apply for the vacancies in Kerala Government posts, you must register yourself in the Kerala PSC through Kerala PSC Thulasi One Time Registration. Do the following steps to complete the One-Time Registration.

  1. Visit the official website of Kerala PSC which is
  2. Click on the tab One Time Registration.
  3. The next one will be the registration page.
  4. For the new registration, click on New Registration (Sign Up)
  5. An online form for the registration process will be displayed.
  6. At first, the candidate should upload the photo by scanning. (The photograph should be in the limit of 150px X 200px and should be less than or equal to 30kb in size.)
  7. Next, the signature should be uploaded in the box for it. (The signature should be in the limit of 150px X 100px and should be less than or equal to 30kb in size.)
  8. The personal details of the candidate should be filled up as the next step.
  9. Name and Date of birth should be filled in TWICE.
  10. Next, the candidate should enter the sex, religion, caste, sub-caste, name of parents, relation, and the name of Husband/ wife.
  11. Next enter the details of nationality, native state, native district, taluk, village, and Panchayat/municipality/corporation.
  12. Check the details you have entered and click NEXT.
  13. On that tab, carefully fill in the details of permanent and temporary address, house number, street, post office, Pincode, taluk, district, village, and Panchayat/municipality/corporation again.
  14. Enter the email address and mobile number.
  15. On the next tab type in a user id and password of your like.
  16. Tick the declaration box and submit the form.
  17. Now the registration is completed and you will see the login details page.

Please don’t forget: Never do the registration more than once.

Kerala PSC Thulasi One Time Registration Video Tutorial

How to log in to the Kerala PSC profile?

Candidates need to log in to their profile, in order to apply for various posts under Kerala Government posts. It is a simple process of 3 main steps. Once you have done the one-time registration, all of the processes can be done through a phone or pc. For doing it through a mobile phone, you need to have a browser like "Puffin". Have a look at how to log in to the Kerala PSC profile.

3 Easy Steps To Login Kerala PSC Profile?

  1. Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi official website.
  2. On that tab, Fill in the User ID, password and Access code.
  3. Click "Log In"(Refresh the access code in case you can't read it.)You can access the services provided by Kerala PSC from there- Your profile.

How to apply for Kerala PSC latest vacancies?

Candidates who wish to apply for the vacancies in Kerala government posts must register themselves on the Kerala PSC through Kerala PSC Thulasi One Time Registration. You will be able to apply for the posts, once you have completed the one-time registration. Follow these steps given below to apply for a post for Kerala PSC using Kerala PSC Thulasi.

  1. Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi official website.
  2. On that tab, Fill in the User ID, password and Access code.
  3. Click "Log In"
  4. On the opening window you will see a tab of "Notifications- Apply for a post".
  5. Click on it and you will see a list of vacancies: Statewide and District-wise.
  6. You can click on each tab and another list of detailed vacancies will open.
  7. To the right of each row, there will be a button to check your eligibility.
  8. If you are not eligible, the button will be "Why I’m ineligible", and you can find the reason there. and if you are eligible, the button will be "Apply Now". Click on it.
  9. A new tab will be there to verify the details. Enter the name and date same as in the document you uploaded.
  10. After that Tickmark all of the four checkboxes there. And click "Next".
  11. There will be a column with the question"Are you qualified for the post as per notification?". Click "Yes". And click "OK" on the dialogue box that appears after it.
  12. On the bottom select the district and taluk you want to write the exam in And click "OK".
  13. Tick the declaration box on the bottom left and click "Preview Application".
  14. A preview of the application will be displayed. Read it and tick the declaration box to confirm.
  15. Click "Submit Application".
  16. There will be a dialogue box saying the application is submitted. Click "OK"
  17. On your profile, click "My applications" to see the application you have just applied.
Video Tutorial

How to download the Kerala PSC Exam Hall ticket?

Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) conducts the exams to the Kerala government vacancies. The candidate should do the one-time registration to apply for Kerala PSC. After applying for a post and giving confirmation to the post, it is now time to learn how to download the Kerala PSC Hall ticket(Admission Ticket). As mentioned above it is done using the Kerala PSC Thulasi website. It can be done through Mobile using a web browser like "Puffin". Let's look at how it is done.

  1. Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi website.
  2. Login to your profile by entering your user id and password.
  3. In the second row, you can see the button for "Admission Ticket".
  4. Click on it.
  5. Your admission tickets will be displayed there.
  6. At the end of each column, there will be a pdf symbol. Click on it to download the hall ticket.
  7. You can view it in the "Download" section of your device.

How to retrieve Kerala PSC Profile login User ID and Password?

I forget my Kerala PSC Profile User ID and Password how to retrieve it. It's a common question all the Kerala PSC candidates aks to us. Here we explain how to retrieve Kerala PSC Profile login User ID and Password in 2 minutes. Following these steps, you can easily retrieve your User ID and Password. For those candidates who completed the one-time registration in Kerala PSC, You can log in to your profile through the Kerala PSC Thulasi website. It is very important to remember the Kerala PSC Thulasi User ID and password. But don't worry in case you forget them. You can get it back by following the steps given below. You must have your registered mobile number with you.

Kerala PSC User ID retrieve steps

  • Step 1: Send an SMS to any of these numbers: 166 / 51969 / 9223166166.
  • Step 2: If you want to know your User ID, SMS KL USR.
  • Step 3: And it will is sent as an SMS to the registered mobile number.
  • I forget my Kerala PSC Password how retrieve it?

    You cannot get back your Kerala PSC login password but can reset it. Follow the steps.

  • Step 1:- Send an SMS saying KL USR RST USERID DATE_OF_BIRTH From your registered mobile to any of these numbers: 166 / 51969 / 9223166166.
  • Step 2:- It will be reset. Eg: To reset the password of user hrithikarajan with the date of birth 1/1/1998, the format will be KL USR RST hrithikarajan 01011998.
  • Step 3:- After the completion, the newly set password.(Example:- #hrithikarajan1998).
  • Step 4:- Change it once you log in again.
  • How to edit Kerala PSC profile details?

    One-Time Registration is really important in Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC). And the profile maintenance is also important as the Kerala PSC Thulasi One Time Registration. It is highly important because you access your applications, admission tickets, advise memoranda, shortlists and rank lists from there. So you should be vigilant when filling out those forms. Candidates should be also focused on the steps of giving confirmation, selecting exam cities etc. But let's see what a candidate should de if he or she has to edit the details you submitted in the Kerala PSC profile.

    1. Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi website.
    2. Login to your profile by entering your user id and password.
    3. Below your photo and "My Profile", there is a button: "Registration Card"
    4. Click on it, and there will be a new window with three options.
    5. The third option will be "Print Correction Request Form"
    6. Print the form out and fill it.
    7. Visit your nearest Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) office with this form and needed documents.
    8. E.g: If you need to correct your DOB, with this form submit the original proof of your date of birth at the nearest Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) office.
    9. Remember to keep the ORIGINAL proofs while you request the correction in your Kerala PSC Thulasi profile.
    Video Tutorial

    We hope you get the complete idea about "How to login Kerala PSC Thulasi?".If you have any doubt, comment here. Have a nice day.

    PSC Thulasi Login FAQ's

    What is the minimum age to apply for the Kerala PSC?

    The minimum age to apply for the Kerala PSC and the minimum age to do the one-time registration is 18.

    How can I log in to my Kerala PSC profile?

    Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi website. Login to your profile by entering your user id and password. That is how you log in to the Kerala PSC profile.

    How can I download the hall ticket for Kerala PSC?

    Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi website. Login to your profile by entering your user id and password. There will be a tab to download admission tickets on your Kerala PSC profile.

    How can I submit confirmation for the Kerala PSC exams?

    Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi website. Login to your profile by entering your user id and password. There will be a tab to confirm the posts. Click on it. Enter the OTP sent to the registered number. Submit confirmation. That’s how you submit confirmation for the Kerala PSC exams.

    How to apply for the Kerala PSC exams?

    Visit the Kerala PSC Thulasi website. Login to your profile by entering your user id and password. There will be a tab “my applications”. Click on it. There you’ll see the posts you can apply to. From there you can apply for the Kerala PSC exams.

    Can I get back my Kerala PSC User ID and password in case I forget it?

    Yes, you can get it by sending some particular format SMS from the registered mobile number. You can reset your Kerala PSC password and get your Kerala PSC user ID through this method.

    Can I write the Kerala PSC exam if I did not submit the confirmation?

    No; You can't write the Kerala PSC exam if you couldn't submit the confirmation for the Kerala PSC exams.

    Can I edit my Kerala PSC profile details?

    Yes; you can edit your Kerala PSC profile details. You have to print out the correction request form and visit the nearest Kerala PSC office with original documents to edit the details in your Kerala PSC profile.

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